Dear Praying Friends, I come from a very large family and one of our traditions was to gather at my Mom and Dad’s house for that wonderful turkey dinner. In 1980 our preparation for ministry required us to move south, and leave “all” which included our home, children and that wonderful big family. We moved to Louisiana in 1980, our children were scattered in that move and our close little family was no more.
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Our Home-1985-88 8 x 25 Ft. Camper Lafayette, La. |
I can recall one very special Thanksgiving many years ago. We longed to be with our children. I had one daughter living in Galveston, Texas and asked Father God permission to go see her – silence was all I received--“Not yes, you can go” or “No, you can’t go” besides the more I thought about it we didn’t have any extra money for gas to make the trip. So I dismissed the idea and left it in the Lord’s hands. Thanksgiving morning we got up and started preparations for our meal. We didn’t have any money to buy a turkey but we were very grateful for our chicken dinner. My husband and I sat down at the small table in our camper to have our thanksgiving dinner and a holy hush fell upon us. In the mist of tears we ate our dinner. While eating, the Word of the Lord came and said “Am I enough?” We understood what He was saying to us, “Do you need family, children or Am I enough”? With tears running down our faces and a lump in our throats, we responded, "Yes Lord, you are enough". We had been put to the test--was He truly our ALL?
A few minutes later the phone rang and it was a Christian brother who was down at the corner grocery store. (Not sure of our exact address) He said, “I have a turkey dinner with all the trimmings and $12 dollars to give you. I looked up at the clock and it was about 10:30 a.m. we had already eaten our dinner. However, we were truly grateful to this brother and his wife for their goodness but I was puzzled since we had already eaten, who was this meal really for? The Holy Spirit sweetly whispered to me, “You may go to Galveston. Take the turkey dinner and use the money you were given for the gas you need and go spend some time with your daughter and family.”
It was as if we had wings, we picked up the turkey, trimmings and left Lafayette, La. and headed to Galveston, Texas. When we arrived my daughter, her husband and 2 children weren’t having a Thanksgiving dinner either. Her husband was looking for a job and money was really tight, they barely had any groceries. We surprised them and walked in with a big turkey dinner enough for everyone. I also have a brother, his wife and three children who were in the mission field in Mexico at that time. They were now back in the states hoping to meet up with family and fellowship for Thanksgiving and just like the rest of us they had very little money and were also skipping Thanksgiving Dinner. The Lord Jesus had led them to us at that very hour.

Thank you so much for reading this message. If you would like to make a copy or copies of this testimony, you are welcome to do so. Make sure your copy is in its entirety and the message should not be changed. Hilda Arredondo's name and her website and e-mail address should accompany this message as you print it. If you have any questions or comments please e-mail us. At this point the National Divine Connection of Prayer its Website and Morning Glory Kingdom Works has no representatives outside this ministry. We are NOT a non-profit entity or affiliated with any denomination or other churches. All ministry business is solely maintained by hilda arredondo, 195 El Shaddai Rd, Opelousas, La. 70570.