Monday, October 16, 2017

A Prophetic Word From Hilda: "Severe Judgments Coming To America" October 2017

Dear Praying Friends, We are quickly moving into the 2017 fall festivals. The shofar is blowing announcing Rosh Hashanah the New Year and then moving into the ten days of Awe which is the “repentance” season of the nation of Israel. I became very quiet as we approached Yom Kippur on September 30th. I was very still and watching because I knew our God was going to speak and He did! “Judgment to the wicked and blessing to the righteous” suddenly the news broke out on the TV—489 wounded and 58 killed in Las Vegas, Nevada, the worst shooting in U.S. history. Those who were attending a concert of about 22,000 people –were brought down by a single shooter who suddenly without warning opened fire that night on the 3rd day of the concert, catching them all by surprise, it was a blood bath! Many wounded and killed.  Our prayers and love go out to all the families that lost friends and loved ones in this terrible tragedy!

Now many are asking, “Why, why did this happen?” This is the answer to your question. America has become a Godless nation and Las Vegas is known as “sin city” – after many warnings to turn away from our sins we have continued to reject our God by spilling the blood of unborn babies.  In Galatians 6:7-8, it reads, Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” The massacre happened off Route 91 at the Harvest Festival Concert. Las Vegas is not the only sin city, but I would venture to say that all cities in America are guilty of sin that break the ten holy commandments given to us by Almighty God. So judgment could fall on any city at any time. We have just seen some of America’s harvest of disobedience. What we have sown we are reaping and Route 91 points to a road with no God – we need Psalms 91, the PSALM of PROTECTION.  “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide underneath the shadow of the Almighty” – God is removing His presence from this nation and without His presence we have no covering and many will perish. America has moved away from the divine protection of Almighty God.  We will continue to see more killings, crimes, and murders just like this terrible tragedy in Las Vegas--destruction like we have never seen before! Also, more destructive storms as we have seen recently in Houston, Puerto Rico, Florida, etc.  These are all the rewards of sin during this season of the festival. We have changed God’s Holy Commandments like it says in the book of Romans. In Romans 1:27, it reads, “And likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman…”  We need some real preachers and prophets to begin to declare the Word of God without fear. I am referring to holy men who are not involved in pornography, perverted sex and worshipping the sex goddess! Men, who know how to pray and hear from God. God needs holy men and if they are involved in sexual sin, the wind of holiness will blow them off the pulpits.  God has spoken to us here in America; here on YOM KIPPUR 2017, saying, “No more will I put up with your sin America,” I am done. I will allow the judgments to fall and continue to chastise you and you will fall on your knees in repentance. God allowed Sodom and Gomorrah to be destroyed. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, in about two more years if America does not repent greater judgments will fall--EARTHQUAKES.  

In Luke 21:36, it reads, “Watch ye therefore, and pray always…” God has always had a remnant people in the midst of judgment praying and watching. On Friday, November 9, 2012, I was restless and could not sleep so I began to pray till after midnight.  Then the Holy Spirit gave me one word "EARTHQUAKE".  About 5:00 a.m. on November 10, 2012, I was awakened and began praying again. I checked the news reports for earthquakes and sure enough one hit the State of Mississippi in the wee hours of the morning, then later that same day one hit the State of Kentucky and nearby surrounding states. Praise God there was little damage.  The Lord spoke to my heart that He was not pleased with all the evil that is going on in this country and we are to brace ourselves and stay close to Him because to the “Weather Judgment” list EARTHQUAKES will be added. Just as we’ve seen severe storms and hurricanes devastate our land, we will see more earthquakes “shaking” a “disobedient nation” (America) who refuses to repent. We must pray always and stay close to God asking Him for His mercy in Jesus name. His true Prophets can identify the signature mark of the Great I Am. As spiritual detectives, they reveal the secrets of His mark on every judgment, identifying the Righteous Judge (Amos 3:7). For the righteous that walks uprightly and loves Jesus I will reward them with many blessings and their harvest will also be bountiful with many blessings! In His love and service, hilda arredondo

Pray For America, 2 Chronicles 7:14
More Prayer Warriors Needed!

I want to thank those of you who have already sent us your names and are currently on our National Divine Connection Prayer Teams. We are still in need of many more prayer warriors. If God has been speaking to you about praying for America and the needs of the body of Christ; please click on the link below and email us your name stating that you want to help us with prayer. Your name will be added to our list. Thank you in advance for responding to the call of prayer

Click Here To Be A Part Of Our
National Divine Connection Prayer Teams

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