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Prophetess hilda arredondo |
Dear Ministry Friends, In Luke 21:36, it reads, “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” The “key words” here in this scripture are to “watch and pray always”. If we do, then we will be able to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man. What are some of these things? They are the signs in the sun, moon, stars, and on the earth distress of nations, the sea and the waves roaring, and men’s hearts failing for fear, and much more. When we look around today we also hear of wars and rumors of wars, killings, murder, thefts, and terrorism, destroying winds and storms, and much more. But again I’m reminded that we are told in the Word of God to “watch and pray always” in spite of all the threatening “evils” we hear about in this world. Here in America we are being surrounded with all these same dangers.
As God’s people we are comforted in that Jesus promised to keep His eye on us protecting us from all harm. We can be assured that He is a Mighty God who will keep His wonderful promises to us. But we also have our part--and that is to stay close to Him and His presence. It is His presence that will surround, keep and protect us. My first strong noticeable encounter with His presence was many years ago.
Our Testimony: We had had our devotions and breakfast there at a motel in Gonzales, La. and were headed towards New Orleans for another speaking engagement. Suddenly we began to pray so fervently and moved into the high praises. My husband, who was driving, and I just looked at each other, like - what is going on; we just finished praying and here we are in the high praises again. I had discerned in my Spirit as I was praying that a man was going to try to shoot at us. I didn’t say anything to my husband because I knew it might upset him and possibly not believe me.
Suddenly there was a horn that beeped at us on our driver’s side. I looked and saw a little bald headed man in an older red truck. I screamed and said, “Jose, that man has a gun in his hand pointed at us, ready to shoot.” There was little or no traffic and Jose immediately dropped back behind him. The man kept turning around in his seat and trying to get a good aim at us. Now all this was happening so fast. Jose said, “We will have to pass him up.” You see, we were on those long bridges in Louisiana with no exit. As they say, Jose put the pedal to the metal and we flew around him when I heard two shots on my side as we sped by. Immediately I went down on the floor, squeezing into the cubby hole area under my feet. A few minutes later as I looked back, I could see Jose had left him way back on the highway till we could not see him anymore. Finally when we were off the bridges, we stopped to look at our van. We surely expected to see some bullet holes but there were none to our surprise.
The Holy Spirit revealed to me that when we went up in the high praises and fervent prayer we had pulled the SHIELD of Almighty God down around us and the bullets could not penetrate us or the van. After the ordeal, my husband said to me, “For a woman of Faith I never saw anyone move so fast and get down on the floor and hide in that cubby hole.” I smiled and said, “God never said we were to be fools either when in such danger.”
The Hiding Place
Why do I share this with you? What happened here? At that moment, Jesus pulled us into HIS PRESENCE, the cleft of the rock – and the bullets could not touch us. He will do the same for His people in those areas of refuge. His presence will be there - THE HIDING PLACE will be the cleft in the rock. Such a presence will require a measure of holiness that many Christians have not experienced, but can if they will allow our Jesus to school them in His ways.
In Exodus 33:13-15, it reads, “Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found grace in thy sight, shew me now thy way, that I may know thee, that I may find grace in thy sight: and consider that this nation is thy people. And he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest. And he said unto him, If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence.”
Move Only As God's Presence Leads
Moses knew that without God’s presence it was no use to get up and go. He would move only if God’s presence was with them. That is the way we should also do today; we should not take one step unless we know He is with us and if we are uncertain we should stand still until He says move. Without His presence we will fail in our endeavors, but if we have His presence, then surely we will succeed.
Today we are facing so many changes in America and many times our country’s leadership is not seeking God. That can be dangerous because decisions can be made that will cause this great country to fail in her endeavors. This is why it is so important to continue to pray for our leaders. I personally want to be successful and I know you do too; therefore, we need to be like Moses and seek Him and refuse to take a step unless His Mighty Presence is leading.
The worse mistakes that I have made in my life have been when I went my “own way” without Him. I have learned some very valuable lessons on how important it is to have Jesus and His wonderful presence. There is a secret we all need to know, which can be found only in His great presence— In His presence is the fullness of joy and the “ABUNDANCE OF ALL HIS GOODNESS.” If ever His goodness was needed, it is now. Moses went on further to say in Exodus 33:16, “For wherein shall it be known here that I and thy people have found grace in thy sight? is it not in that thou goest with us? so shall we be separated, I and thy people, from all the people that are upon the face of the earth.”
Abundance Of All His Goodness
Just as Moses and the people found grace in His sight—we as Christians have found grace in Jesus and He is calling for a real separation in this hour, as stated in the above scripture. In the past America was a Christian nation, but as the days go by, something is happening to America. Being a Christian nation is no longer a strong call on her, but other religions are coming in and taking over. What should we do? We should watch and pray always. He will lead us and keep us in safety. It may not be the whole nation that will be Christian, which means God will no longer cover her as a whole, but HE HAS A PLAN! There will be some large areas of refuge in the U.S. These large areas of safety can be compared to the “clefts in the rock” of Exodus 33:22. Those areas are already marked by God. His people will be drawn into those zones of safety in these last days by His Spirit and the “great presence” of the ALMIGHTY God will cover them there with His HAND. All provisions will be provided for them there. They will have need of nothing till He comes back to get His people. Those who are being called to the “cleft in the rock” are believers who reverence our God, walking in holiness. All of God’s GOODNESS will be there. In Exodus 33:19-20, we read what He said to Moses. “And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy. And he said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.”
Large Areas Of Refuge
You see these large areas of safety are holy and for people who want to walk holy. It will not be a place for people who have one foot in world and one in the church. These “clefts in the rock” are for true believers who love Jesus. These large areas can be compared to the place next to Him in the “cleft of the rock” covered by His Hand. It is a place by Him, “And the Lord said, Behold, there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon a rock. And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the rock and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by…” Exodus 33:21-22, Beloved, that rock for us is Jesus Christ. We will be hidden in the cleft of the rock--Jesus Christ who is the Lord of Glory. We are to draw close to His presence these days. In Colossians 3:3 it reads, “For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. To God Be The Glory! hilda arredondo
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Thank you so much for reading this message. If you would like to make a copy or copies of this testimony, you are welcome to do so. Make sure your copy is in its entirety and the message should not be changed. Hilda Arredondo's name and her website www.NDCPrayer.com and e-mail address ndcp@att.net should accompany this message as you print it. If you have questions or comments please e-mail us. At this point the National Divine Connection of Prayer its Website and Morning Glory Kingdom Works has no representatives outside this ministry. We are NOT a non-profit entity or affiliated with any denomination or other churches. All ministry business is solely maintained by hilda arredondo, 195 El Shaddai Rd, Opelousas, La. 70570.