Monday, January 8, 2018


hilda arredondo
Dear Ministry Friends – We are just finishing up the Christmas season – the “Season of Giving”.  We all feel so much happiness and joy at this time of the year – what is the secret?  It is in giving to one another but it doesn’t have to stop with the Christmas season, but rather as Christians we can continue to be givers all year long! As we bless others with our “GIVINGS” the precious blessing of joy is being released as we give and filling the atmosphere that surrounds us with blessed love. A love that opens the door to many blessings--physical, spiritual, mental and financial.  This is a year to give to others, give to the less fortunate, help your church and good works, give tithes and offerings give and give some more. Our Lord and Saviour said these words, “… It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35 

You and I can sit down and share reasons why giving is so important, but I want to share one very important reason that the Holy Spirit revealed to me years ago.  A sister came over to our home years ago and while thereby  she cried because they didn’t have any food or money. At that time my husband was drawing unemployment because he didn’t have a job.  Usually for the week I would buy a big bag of pinto beans and I could serve my family of 5, different delicious bean meals and still have beans left over.  Knowing that was all I had for the coming week to feed my family, I took the bag and gave her half.  I believe that our God seen my heart that day of being a GIVER and began to develop the “heart of a giver” in me. You see that day as I gave, I fulfilled His Word “it is better to give than to receive” When you give you are planting and the more you give the more you plant and your planting in due season will bring you a harvest.  There are seasons we are called to be on the receiving end and that is quite alright  but  eventually we need to get out of  that line and begin to distribute to others who are in need—become a giver in 2018 the SECRET OF BEING BLESSED! 

I can recall years back when we were developing the Morning Glory property and needed every penny for that land development venture. Meanwhile someone came to see me and shared that a brother and his family needed to get home to another state and didn’t have any money for gas and expenses and he didn’t know what to do. The only money I had was in my money-bag and not near enough to do any more land developing or pay bills. I had no savings, stocks or bonds, no money stashed away in my sock drawer for a rainy day so to speak. I called the brother over to my house and emptied my money-bag out and it was enough money to get him home. He took off happy and content, but I thought now I’m left with an empty bag with no money, what am I going to do now Jesus?

A Widow Woman Shows Up

The day went by and no sign of anymore money. That night we were already in bed when we heard a knock at our door and we got up to see who it was and a widow woman  stood at my door and handed me a brown paper bag, I asked her in but she said she could not stay but needed to go. After she left, we opened the paper bag which was full of money $9,000 dollars--enough money to pay all the bills and continue the work to develop our new property. To God be the Glory, surely it is better to give than to receive. This New Year 2018 is a year of giving – start the year off right – give, give to the Glory of God! You and yours have a blessed, happy and prosperous New Year!! Jesus will continue to walk with us leading all the way into great victories.

Also A Time To Seek God With All Your Heart

Our God supplies when we become great GIVERS. This year not only are we to be GIVERS, but SEEKERS OF GOD.   In Psalms 9:10, it reads, “Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.”  What a wonderful promise to have in these trying times we are living in.  Enemy nations wanting to bring us down here in the United States, destructive weather, terrible terrorism, etc.   The good news is you and I have a great PROMISE--that if we walk hard after God in Jesus name and SEEK Him, He will never forsake us. There is a special way to seek God—WITH ALL OUR HEART. In Psalms 119:2 it reads, “Blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart.” Yes, again I say, seek Him with all your heart and we will find Him in a GREATER WAY IN 2018!!  When we find Him then we'll be sure that we are walking and following Him into a WONDERFUL blessed life full of His goodness, mercy and prosperity in every area. I was saved in 1976 as I was hitting rock bottom with no hope, and in deep depression and felt like I just didn’t want to live anymore.  But Jesus changed my life and gave me hope. Since then He has been my Saviour every step of the way and the only regret I have is that I didn’t come sooner in my life to know and walk with Him, but since then I have made every step count for Him Again, be blessed in 2018!  In His love and service, Prophetess hilda arredondo

Pray For America, 2 Chronicles 7:14
More Prayer Warriors Needed In 2018

I want to thank those of you who have already sent us your names and are currently on our National Divine Connection Prayer Teams. We are still in need of many more prayer warriors. If God has been speaking to you about praying for America and the needs of the body of Christ; please click on the link below and email us your name stating that you want to help us with prayer. Your name will be added to our list. Thank you in advance for responding to the call of prayer

Click Here To Be A Part Of Our
National Divine Connection Prayer Teams

Email Us Your Prayer Request:

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Thank you so much for reading this message. If you would like to make a copy or copies of this testimony, you are welcome to do so. Make sure your copy is in its entirety and the message should not be changed. Hilda Arredondo's name and her website and e-mail address should accompany this message as you print it. If you have questions or comments please e-mail us.

At this point the National Divine Connection of Prayer its Website and Morning Glory Kingdom Works has no representatives outside this ministry. We are NOT a non-profit entity or affiliated with any denomination or other churches. All ministry business is solely maintained by hilda arredondo, 195 El Shaddai Rd, Opelousas, La. 70570.