Dear Praying Friends, The "Snow" continues to fall in Washington DC and other areas on the North East Coast. Washington DC is the National Government Seat. Our God is not pleased with our law makers who are making laws which are against the Ten Commandments.
Then on 2/10/10 an "Earthquake" of a 4.3 magnitude hit West of Chicago, Illinois, our President's state. Our God is "Shaking Up America" and we are under a "Severe Weather Judgment" for our Abominations and Blood Shed of Innocent Babies. It is as if God is Shaking Us Out Of Our Deep Sleep, the "Earthquake" hit at 4 a.m.(deep sleep hour).
We can "Expect" the Judgments to Continue! We are going to begin to see the "Eruption of Volcanoes" in the world, and here in the Western World. The Pacific Ocean is being targeted and we have "Volcanoes" in the Western part of America off the Pacific Ocean, state of Washington, Oregon, California and through out Hawaii and other nearby places. Volcanoes spew bubbling lava, gases and ash. In Leviticus 18:24-25. "Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: and the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants." Because of our many Abominations and Sexual Perversions we are "Going to be Judged." When Volcanoes begin to erupt--its like the land vomiting out her inhabitants because of its abominations spoken of in Leviticus 18.
AMERICA, AMERICA, "Repent Before It Is Too Late." The blessing we have enjoyed in the past is because of God Almighty and His Son the LORD JESUS CHRIST--as a nation you have rejected Him and broken covenant with Him.
As I continue to watch the snow fall, the Holy Spirit brings to remembrance what Isaiah 1:18 says., "...though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though your sins be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." America, Repent, Turn Around And He Will Forgive Us!
In His love and service, hilda arredondo, UIPWC of Louisiana
253 Blossom Rd. Opelousas, La. 70570
Prayer Line (337) 948-1501
Hilda Arredondo founder of United Intercessors Prayer Watch Center holds the “Spiritual Copyrights” of these Prophetic Messages and Testimonies that were written on earth with God the Father, God the Son, and Holy Spirit holding the patent in heaven. These Prophetic Messages were given to her under the divine inspiration of the “Holy Spirit” as she fasted and prayed. Call a friend and share with them about our web site “Answers To Prayer” Link. Everyone Needs Encouragement!