We need the Nehemiahs in America today. Who is Nehemiah? “And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned certain days, and fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven, and said, “I beseech thee, O Lord God of heaven, the great and terrible God, that keepeth covenant and mercy for them that love him and observe his commandments: Let thine ear now be attentive, and thine eyes open, that thou mayest hear the prayer of thy servant, which I pray before thee now, day and night, for the children of Israel thy servants, and confess the sins of the children of Israel, which we have sinned against thee: both I and my Father’s house have sinned.” Nehemiah 1:4-6. Nehemiah was a man of prayer who had a personal relationship with the God of Heaven. He knew how to intercede and get results from the throne room. He had a great reverence for the great and terrible God. I will say again, “Today, we need men of prayer like Nehemiah.” The Nehemiahs of our time who are being raised up for this present hour are more than just Intercessors, they are Revivalists who carry the Spirit of Reformation. They are BOLD, FEARLESS and come with a HOLY COMMISSION from GOD. Their orders for the day are to "Rally a People" to Rise Up and War! They are GOD'S CHOSEN MEN/WOMEN for the hour with a Burden for Revival in their city and nation. They are Men and Women who have Forsaken all “Earthly Goods for the Heavenly Commission.” They know how to fast, get a hold of God and can readily identify with the Sin In The Land as they pray.
NEHEMIAH IS A SKILLED WARRIOR, as God’s servant, I see a problem among the people of God. When a new move of God is birthed, many try to get on the bandwagon, so to speak, either by trying to appoint themselves or appoint someone they know who has a title or a famous TV show and make them the “Man of the Hour.” Saints, please hear me; men and women with doctorates, degrees, and titles behind their names are great. Doctors, lawyers, and saints with TV Gospel shows are great. Ditch diggers, welders, and common laborers are great, but let me share something with you; it is going to take more than great people with TV shows, doctorates, and degrees to be Nehemiahs. The Nehemiahs of our time are warriors whose hands have been trained to war. They are skilled by the Holy Spirit to tear down, pluck up, and push down the works of darkness. They have been prepared to stand against the principalities, powers and wicked spirits of darkness.
NEHEMIAH'S ARE SOLDIERS OF GOD. Just recently a good Christian woman called me on the phone and told me that God had called her to take her city for the Lord. While talking to her, she shared with me that she did not pray much or even very long when she did pray and has never done any spiritual warfare. As I continued to listen intently to her conversation, I knew she had given up nothing for the Gospel's sake. Later, after that conversation I thought, “My God, My God, how can some of your people be so deceived?” The Holy Spirit revealed to me that this woman desired secret power and the limelight. New moves of God are always noised throughout the camps of God’s people; therefore, she had heard about Taking Cities For God. She thought taking the city would be exciting and her "secret fault of pride" was deceiving her to be presumptuous. Beloved, the real Nehemiahs of our time are SOLDIERS OF GOD and GENERALS OF INTERCESSION who have fought the Good Fight of Faith, Risked their Lives and have been Tried and Tested by the Lord before they were ever given the commission to Take a City. They carry a special mantle that allows them to face these evil powers camped at our GATES. They are not lime lighters, entertainers, or showmen and certainly don’t work alone, but as Nehemiah, a people are drawn to them. The people whom Nehemiah draws by the anointing are not just any people, but rather Tough, Committed Christians who have a mind to work and work hard! Sister Hilda, you may ask, “you’ve shared with us about the importance of Nehemiahs returning to America with a burden to Rebuild the Walls and Gates Of Our Nation.
1. The first thing you do is to pray that our God raise up an individual with the Heart of Nehemiah in your city or bring one in for the job. Perhaps one of you reading this article could be one or a Nehemiah in the making.
2. Secondly, recognize Nehemiah when he shows up. You will know them by the Special Umbrella of Divine Protection they carry to perform the job.
3. They will be BOLD, FEARLESS and have a WARRING ANOINTING.
4. He/She will NOT BE CORRUPTED with Hidden Sins of Lusts. They have paid the price of Getting Rid of Secret Faults. The Fire of the Holy Spirit has already come to their lives as a "Consuming Fire" Revealing Secret Motives, Sin and Burned up the Dross of their Iniquity.
5. They are HOLY WARRIORS that carry the Presence of Jesus and STAND in GOD'S AUTHORITY.
NEHEMIAH'S ARE MANTLED FOR THE JOB, they will help you Identify the Gates of Your City. They have Anointed Plans and Strategies directly from the Throne of Heaven. These Holy Strategies come from Hours, Months, and Years Spent at the Feet of Jesus. They’ve encountered the Mean, Deadly, and Dangerous Prince that is Camped Out at your City Gates. They also know that without the “Mantle of God” upon them they would never dare enter the arena of these Killer Giants who are out to Destroy the Nehemiahs who will lead God's people to victory. Nevertheless, in obedience They Will Stand in the Day of Battle With Assurance that Jesus Is With Them to protect them. Modern Day Nehemiahs carry the Mantle of a Prophet and Apostle and will Raise Up a New kind of Church—a Warring Church made up of Prayer Warriors who are young, middle aged and old, both male and female, regardless of race or color. They will "Pull Down" the Principality, Identify, and "Demolish Territorial Giants" over their cities. Nehemiah's have the Keys to Intercession and Warfare, along with the Heavenly Commission for the job. Together, they will "Possess the Gates of the City, Rise Up, and Build for the Glory of God the Father, the Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit. Amen…
Thank you so much for reading this message. If you would like to make a copy or copies of this newsletter, you are welcome to do so. Make sure your copy is in it's entirety and the message should not be changed. Judgment messages are very serious and those declaring them carry a big responsibility.
Hilda Arredondo's name and her website http://www.uipwc.com/ and e-mail address uipwc@bellsouth.net should accompany this message as you print it. If you have any questions or comments please e-mail us. At this point we have no representatives outside this ministry and all business for the ministry is handled by hilda arredondo, 253 Blossom Rd, Opelousas, La. 70570 (337-948-1501)