“O my God, incline thine ear, and hear; open thine eyes, and behold our desolations, and the city which is called by thy name: for we do not present our supplications before thee for our righteousness, but for thy great mercies. O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive; O Lord, hearken and do; defer not, for thine own sake, O my God: for thy city and thy people are called by thy name.” Daniel 9:18-19
The Church of our Lord Jesus Christ desires to see the power and a move of the Spirit. We have seen a measure, a trickle here and there, but we desire to see more. PRAYER WARRIORS INTERCESSORS! SOLDIERS AT LARGE! EVERYONE WHO PRAYS! Let us bind together in the privacy of our homes and dismantle the enemy of the North, South, East and West Gates of Our Nation. Let us war and pull down these Evil Spirits and as they are dethroned, pray that the Righteous Judge (JESUS CHRIST) the LORD OF GLORY will once again sit on the Gates of our Nation. Please set some time aside daily and pray in the Unity of the Faith with United Intercessors in this strategy to take the “Gates” for the Lord Jesus Christ! God has a Mighty Plan for Us and as we achieve this all of us will benefit from this Victory in every area. Psalm 133:1-3
Nehemiah 1:3, “And they said unto me, the remnants that are left of the captivity there in the province are in great affliction and reproach: the wall of Jerusalem also is broken down, and the gates thereof are burned with fire.” Nehemiah received a disturbing report—the people whom God loved so dearly and had brought out from bondage were again in captivity, affliction, and reproach! What caused them to be brought back into this alarming state of captivity and reproach? The answer to this question is in this same verse of scripture—the wall around Jerusalem was broken down and needed repair and the city gates were burned with fire. The cities of that time usually had a stone wall around them for protection and the gates were considered the doorways of the city. They were usually made of strong wood; some were covered with brass and a few were known to be overlaid with gold. Cities without any gates or doorways were left wide open to the “spoilers” of that day, who would come in to do three (3) things: rape the women, kill the men, take their goods and take their children captive.
The Gates of the city were the place where the elders transacted legal business, conversation and the reading of the law. The Proverbs 31 Woman, verse 23 says, “Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.” Since the gates were the doorways of the city, therefore, no gates, no doors, the enemy ran rampant.
Today it is the same in America, the Gates Of The Nation are torn down. Earlier I shared that the enemy would do three major things: rape the women, kill the men, take their goods, and take them captive. In the 911 terrorist attack in New York 81% of the men were killed. In John 10:10, it reads, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.”We need the praying gatekeepers or watchmen. Rape also runs rampant and our children are taken captive everyday by drugs, alcohol, etc. here in America.
Where are the watchmen or gatekeepers needed to "Guard" the Gates of America? As we read the first chapter of Nehemiah we certainly get a picture of the pitiful state of the city of Jerusalem, with its broken down walls and burnt gates. There was a problem in Jerusalem—there were no watchmen upon the wall guarding the city; no one seemed to care about its welfare and safety. Therefore, the city was left open to terrorizing attacks of the enemy. The enemy could come in at anytime to kill, steal, and destroy, and that he did! If you would, please try to imagine your house with no doors and torn down walls, while you and your family try to sleep at night or rest during the day. Picture in your mind sitting down during the day at your breakfast table to eat and your kitchen door is gone and the kitchen wall has big holes in it, and in other places the walls are broken. At night, when you lay down in your bed and pull the covers tightly up around your neck, you see that the wall is also torn down and the door of your bedroom is gone and the windows have been broken. How would you feel? Would you feel safe, warm, and peaceful? No, you wouldn’t, but rather you would feel insecure, cold, and troubled. Yes, thieves and robbers could easily have access into your home. Wild animals and perhaps even snakes could crawl in and hurt your loved ones. Therefore, I know that you will agree that the doors and walls of your dwelling place are needed for your safety and refuge.
The gates were torn, the wall was down and there were no watchmen. Today in America the same, the watchmen and gatekeepers are the prayer warriors, intercessors, and the prophetic men and women of God, who are called to stand in the gap and guard the gates of our cities. Where are they? As we look around America today, we can see some of the very same problems within our country that existed in the city of Jerusalem. At one time there was a hedge around us for our divine protection. It was put there by the Almighty Hand of God. When a people acknowledge God, He acknowledges them. Our enemies would try to come against us, but the Wall of Divine Defense would not allow them to come in. Our Lord stood in our behalf and our country was like a wall and defensed city impenetrable by the enemy.
As we look back over the last few decades we see that something has happened to America. Evil spoilers began to come in and ransack the people of our country. Good companies that have employed hundreds of good American people in the past are closing up with very little notice to its employees and moving out of the nation. The “Blessings of the Lord” which were given to us by Almighty God are picking up as if they had wings and leaving to foreign countries. The America we have known and loved is dying! The spoilers of crime, rape, drugs, alcohol, pornography, and evil have invaded our country. Our education system has been taken over by the “spoilers” of humanistic values and Antichrist beliefs who daily corrupt the minds of our little children; therefore, many of our young are growing up without Christ. Our wall which was made up of the Ten Commandments, Prayer in Schools and the Bible is torn down and our Gates are Burned with Fire. America is headed for "Greater Troubles" and something needs to be done! You may ask, “What can we do?” The answer is not hard; it is found in God’s Word.
Next week we will post Part 2, the continuation of this message on the Gates. Tell your praying friends about these messages-there will be many to come. I will share with you the revelation the Holy Spirit has imparted to me about the Gates of America. From 1980-1990 I was in my prayer closet. In 1980 I went down on my knees and face and in 1990, ten years later the call came from Almighty God that He was going to stand me up. He revealed to me that I went down on my face as an Intercessor and ten years later HE would stand me up in the Prophetess calling to speak what He had given me during that time. It would take three more years to get up from this kneeling position of my heart. The revelation of the Gates was not copied from another individual, it was a heavenly revelation imparted to me by my Heavenly Father and I was not allowed to reveal it till the years of the "Fiery Crucible" were over. Through this study I will reveal who is camped out at the gates of our nation. WE NEED a total of TEN THOUSAND WARRIORS (10,000) TO PRAY FOR THE GATES OF THE NATION and tear down the powers that are there destroying our nation.
Please help me spread this message-Our Nation is in Trouble and You and I can Make a Difference for her Deliverance. If, after reading this article, your moved to become part of this Divine Connection of Prayer for taking the Gates of Our Nation which will bring Revival, E-mail me immediately!
Thank you so much for reading this message. If you would like to make a copy or copies of this mesage, you are welcome to do so. Make sure your copy is in it's entirety and the message should not be changed.
Hilda Arredondo's name and her website http://www.uipwc.com/ and e-mail address uipwc@bellsouth.net should accompany this message as you print it. If you have any questions or comments please e-mail us. At this point we have no representatives outside this ministry and all business for the ministry is handled by hilda arredondo, 253 Blossom Rd, Opelousas, La. 70570 (337-948-1501)