God Does Reveal "His Secrets" To His Servants
Dear Praying Friends, GOD DOES HEAR OUR PRAYERS and when we PRAY it can avert disasters and calamities. Disasters or Calamities are Judgments. On the March 8, 2011, I was interviewed by a local radio station and one of the questions they asked me was, "Why do we need to pray?" I shared with them that one of the reasons to pray presently is that our nation and the nations of the world are under Judgment by the Righteous Judge. God judges people, but nations are judged by disasters and calamities. Judgments can be Averted or Lessened and Sometimes Not, because PRAYER CHANGES THINGS--So truly We Need to Pray! Now our call is to prayer and the outcome is left up to God. Three days later after the radio interview, the Japan disaster took place on March 11, 2011. On March 2, 2010--I sent you a Prayer Focus titled "Revealing His Secrets To His Servants." and in this focus I said many things about the Judgment of Earthquakes and Tsunamis. Quote, "I went on a Radio Station and Prophesied to all those listening to the broadcast and asked them to please pray because Weather Judgments of all kinds were coming including Tsunami Waves. Although Tsunami Waves will hit in different parts of the world we are now pending another one . There is one coming to the Pacific Ocean whose flooding waters will reach a portion of the Western Coast Line of America. IT IS TIME TO PRAY--Judgments can be Lessened and Averted Through Prayer When We Ask God for Mercy." Unquote. If Nations Don't Repent, Every Ten Years the Degree of Judgments Escalate. The Nations Have Not Repented and this includes America--we will see more disasters and calamities of this nature and others! We are now beginning another era (2011) of Harder and Severe Disasters and Calamities. The Urgency was Pray, Pray and many of you did. Thank you for praying, the Waves from the Japan Tsunami did hit the Western Coast Line. The waves were only 5 - 8 ft high, one person was killed (one too many) and minimal damage. YOUR PRAYERS MADE A REAL DIFFERENCE and Hawaii was also Spared Some Real Destruction. Let us keep praying and if you know someone who would like to help us pray, tell them to call or e-mail us--GOD NEEDS MANY MORE PRAYING PEOPLE. In Ezekiel 22:30, it reads "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land that I should not destroy it: but I found none." You and I are the praying people and together we make a corporate man. To God Be the Glory.
Hilda Arredondo's name and her website http://NDCPrayer.com/ and e-mail address uipwc@bellsouth.net should accompany this message as you print it. If you have any questions or comments please e-mail us. At this point we have no representatives outside this ministry and all business for the ministry is handled by hilda arredondo, 195 El Shaddai Rd, Opelousas, La. 70570